International monitors in the Karabakh conflict zone to increase by seven

The Russian co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Process has confirmed that the number of international monitors in the Karabakh conflict zone will soon increase by seven persons. Igor Popov, told APA news agency that the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed this at their meeting in Krakow last week, but that some details still had to be worked out

"The Krakow meeting focused on reducing military risks, including expanding the OSCE monitoring mission in the conflict zone," said the Russian co-chair. "The ministers agreed in principle on the documents regulating the activities of additional seven observers prepared by the mediators. Prior to the launch of such a mechanism for expanding the monitoring mission, there are still some technical details that must be agreed", APA quoted the Russian diplomat as saying.

Popov also told the agency that the most complicated issues surrounding the conflict were also touched upon at the Krakow meeting. “The sides also discussed the most complicated aspects that hamper the settlement process. These aspects are nothing new; the parties to the conflict have repeatedly voiced them. These aspects have to do with to the issues of status and territorial integrity,” he said.

source: with APA news agency, Baku

photo: Igor Popov (archive picture)

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