

Stories related to democracy and electoral processes. 

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Analysis: The tale of two elections: Implications for the South Caucasus

Analysis: The tale of two elections: Implications for the South Caucasus

As the US presidential election approaches, many are assessing the implications of a Donald Trump or Kamala Harris administration in different parts of the world. Commentators on the South Caucasus are no exception. The Biden administration established a Washington format to facilitate Armenia–Azerbaijan negotiations and took steps to further US–Armenia relations, making a decision to upgrade the status of a strategic dialogue launched in 2019 to a strategic partnership commission. The Biden administration also invested efforts in thawing relations between Armenia and Turkey, viewing this as essential for regional stability. US officials view normalising Armenia–Turkey relations as crucial for reducing Russian influence and decreasing Armenia’s dependency on Russia.

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Georgia's crazy opinion polls

Georgia's crazy opinion polls

As Georgia prepares to go to the polls on Saturday, 8 October, questions have again arisen about the reliability of opinion polls, and the possible manipulation of opinion and exit polls by different political forces.
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Commentary: Maintaining a peaceful environment ahead of Georgia’s election

Commentary: Maintaining a peaceful environment ahead of Georgia’s election

The United States Ambassador to Georgia, Ian Kelly, this week was quoted as describing the campaign ahead of the 8 October parliamentary elections as "very good and exemplary". Indeed, those familiar with Georgia's election history are pleasantly surprised, but point out that there are two weeks of campaigning yet, and of course election day itself, and surprises cannot be excluded.
Editor's choice
Georgians split for choice in upcoming elections

Georgians split for choice in upcoming elections

Dossier: With a spectrum of candidates ranging from hard line Stalinists to others who want to restore the monarchy, the Georgian electorate has much to choose from in the coming elections. But most Georgians are in no mood for adventures, and are likely to choose between the options they know best.