Next year’s COP29 climate summit is set to take place in Azerbaijan after a decision was taken by the Eastern European countries members of the process.
For many months there was uncertainty about who will host COP29 - which according to the principle of rotation was to be hosted by a country from the East European Group. Bulgaria, Armenia and Azerbaijan had put forward their candidacy. Russia objected to any EU member hosting the event, and until a few days ago Armenia and Azerbaijan were vetoing each other. But the statement on Thursday (7 December) that Armenia would back the Azerbaijan candidacy changed the situation and the 23-country Eastern European group backed Azerbaijan during a meeting on Saturday.
Earlier on Saturday, Mukhtar Babayev, Azerbaijan's minister of ecology and natural resources, said in a speech that he was "delighted" to announce that there was overall consensus on Azerbaijan's candidacy to host COP29.
“We are very grateful to all countries, in particular to the Eastern European group and the host United Arab Emirates for their support," said Babayev. "We are committed to working inclusively and collaboratively with everyone to ensure the success of COP29. May COP28 lead us forward toward a more sustainable and secure future for all.”
Baku’s bid will still have to be voted on by the entire COP plenary, but that is usually a formality.