
Equality and Human Rights

'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.'

– Article One, The UN Declaration of Human Rights

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Sudan's health sector hit hard by 14 months of war

Sudan's health sector hit hard by 14 months of war

More than 14 months of war have severely affected Sudan's health sector, with many hospitals and medical facilities closed, damaged or destroyed. In Omdurman, many hospital buildings are abandoned. Doctors warn that the few operating facilities may close due to limited resources and overcrowding. Dr Ammar Moatasem, who works at a dialysis centre in Kassala State, said they could not follow proper treatment protocols. Awad Mohamed, a patient at the centre, expressed frustration at the lack of hope for improvement. Manal Fadl, a displaced Sudanese mother who underwent heart surgery just before the war, has not received proper follow-up care. 

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European Union provides 268 million euros in humanitarian support for the Afghan people

European Union provides 268 million euros in humanitarian support for the Afghan people

The European Union (EU) has allocated 268.3 million euros to support the Afghan population through the current major humanitarian crisis. Through the United Nations, projects are being funded that focus on access to education and health care, and help to provide livelihoods for civilians, including refugees and displaced persons.
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Opinion: UNBA makes a landmark contribution to Ukraine as a state governed by Law

Opinion: UNBA makes a landmark contribution to Ukraine as a state governed by Law

In essence, European standards in relation to the status and operation of the Ukraine National Bar Association have been in place for more than nine years, writes Lydia Izovitova. This is a truly landmark contribution to the development of Ukraine as a state governed by law. This important achievement turns the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens into real opportunities, and provides a mechanism for their protection, primarily from the encroachments by the State.