European Parliament condemns Hungary's anti-LGBTQ law and calls for legal action

The European Parliament on Thursday (8 July) adopted a resolution condemning Hungary's “shameful” anti-LGBTQ legislation, and denouncing the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law. Calling Hungary's actions a "clear breach of EU values, principles and law”, it calls on the European Commission to “immediately take legal action,” including by withholding EU funds. The resolution is a response to Hungarian legislation, which came into effect yesterday (8 July), banning the so-called promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles or values to children, including forbidding teachers from educating about LGBTQ relationships or for normalised LGBTQ relationships to be shown on television. The resolution, which deemed the law in defiance of European law and fundamental human rights, passed with 459 MEPs in favour, 147 opposing, and 58 abstentions.

The resolution states that “the Law is not an isolated example, but rather constitutes another intentional and premeditated example of the gradual dismantling of fundamental rights in Hungary”. It warns that, "LGBTIQ phobia and disinformation campaigns have become tools for political censorship by the Hungarian Government".

The resolution also states that "the Hungarian authorities’ capacity to manage EU funds in a non-discriminatory way and in compliance with the Charter is in serious doubt", and calls on the EU Commission to assess whether the adoption of the law is in compliance with the relevent EU regulations. It calls on the Commission not to approve the 2021-2027 partnership agreement and programmes for Hungary until it is in full compliance with the relevent regulations and the European Charter, also asking the Commission to only approve the draft COVID recovery package for Hungary if it is established that it does not contribute to the implementing of the law, which would otherwise "lead to the EU budget actively contributing to breaches of fundamental rights in Hungary".

Whilst the resolution is non-binding, it puts pressure on the EU Commission to fast-track an infringement procedure against Hungary.

Read the full text here.


source: with agencies
photo: The European Parliament adopted a resolution declaring the EU an ‘‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’, 11 March 2021; European Parliament;

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