

Stories related to radical movements and radicalisation in all of its forms.

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Egypt revokes licences of 16 tourism companies after 530 Hajj deaths

Egypt revokes licences of 16 tourism companies after 530 Hajj deaths

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly on Saturday (22 June) revoked the licences of 16 tourism companies and referred their managers to the public prosecutor over illegal pilgrimages to Mecca, accusing them of being responsible for the deaths of Egyptian pilgrims in the city.
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Somalia fears Islamic resurgence and asks peacekeepers to slow withdrawal

Somalia fears Islamic resurgence and asks peacekeepers to slow withdrawal

Somalia's government is trying to delay the withdrawal of African peacekeepers, warning of a potential security vacuum, according to documents seen by Reuters. Neighbouring countries are concerned that resurgent al-Shabab militants could seize power. The African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) is due to withdraw by 31 December, to be replaced by a smaller new force. But in a letter last month to the acting chair of the African Union Peace and Security Council, the Somali government asked for the withdrawal of half of the 4,000 troops due to leave by the end of June to be delayed until September. The letter had not been previously reported. A joint assessment by the Somali government and the AU in March, seen by Reuters, recommended adjusting the overall withdrawal timetable based on the readiness and capabilities of Somali forces. The assessment, which was mandated by the UN Security Council, warned that 'a hasty withdrawal of ATMIS personnel will contribute to a security vacuum'. Mursal Khalif, an independent member of parliament, expressed deep concern about the country's direction. The European Union and the United States, the main funders of the AU force in Somalia, have sought to reduce the peacekeeping operation because of concerns about long-term funding and sustainability, according to four diplomatic sources and a senior Ugandan official. Negotiations over a new force have been complex, with the AU initially pushing for a more robust mandate than Somalia wanted, three diplomatic sources said. A heated political dispute could lead Ethiopia to withdraw some of its most experienced troops.

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More than a hundred people killed in Islamist violence in Niger

More than a hundred people killed in Islamist violence in Niger

It was one of the deadliest days in Niger's living memory, as the country grapples with ethnic violence and Islamic militancy. According to local mayor Almou Hassane, those responsible travelled on "about 100 motorcycles". In seperate incidents five French soldiers were killed last week in neighbouring Mali
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A European register of Imams?

A European register of Imams?

“In the fight against political Islam, I am in favour of creating a European imams directory based on the example of Austria. Most imams travel through many EU countries, so the security authorities have to know who is preaching what in which mosque, ” Austrian Minister for European Affairs Karoline Edtstadler, told WELT AM SONNTAG.
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Al-Azhar proscribes membership in the Muslim Brotherhood

Al-Azhar proscribes membership in the Muslim Brotherhood

“It is clear to the public what these groups have done in distorting some texts, cutting them out of their context, and using them to achieve personal goals or interests and corrupting the land,” al-Azhar said in a fatwa. “Membership in these extremist groups is considered forbidden by Shariah.”
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Burkina Faso votes despite violent insurgency

Burkina Faso votes despite violent insurgency

Voting took place on Sunday (22 November) in presidential and parliamentary elections in Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in the Sahel Region of Africa. The elections were overshadowed by violence from an Islamist insurgency. President Kabore is expected to win reelection, while opposition candidates have warned of "massive electoral fraud." Official results are not expected for some days