
Culture and Lifestyle

Stories related to society, culture and lifestyles.


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Climate change makes it harder to protect the faithful during pilgrimages

Climate change makes it harder to protect the faithful during pilgrimages

Hundreds of pilgrims who died of extreme heat during this year's Hajj were not officially registered with the Saudi authorities (the Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims). As a result, many pilgrims were unable to access basic services such as air-conditioned buses and cooling tents. This situation highlights a growing challenge for Hajj organisers in the face of climate change: the requirement for official permits to access these services raises concerns that unregistered pilgrims may increasingly face life-threatening heat exposure. In addition, the high cost of official Hajj packages is leading some Muslims to seek cheaper, unofficial alternatives that do not include the necessary permits, taking advantage of relaxed restrictions on other types of Saudi visas. The lack of permits for unregistered pilgrims is hampering the provision of services and care, according to Colonel Talal bin Shalhoub, the security spokesman for the Saudi Ministry of Interior, in an interview on Saudi al-Arabiya television. Critics argue that all pilgrims should be protected from extreme heat, regardless of their registration status, and claim that authorities have cracked down on unauthorised participants this year.

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Nowruz Bayram

Nowruz Bayram

21 March is celebrated as International Nowruz Day. Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox, which usually occurs on 21 March. It is celebrated as the beginning of the new year by more than 300 million people all around the world and has been marked for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and other regions.
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Books for peace in Darfur

Books for peace in Darfur

A new book donation and distribution in Darfur aims to consolidate peace and contribute to post-conflict recovery in Sudan. Estella Gaetano, novelist and storyteller from South Sudan launched the initiative called "Make a difference with a book."
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Poetry of love in ancient Egypt

Poetry of love in ancient Egypt

Poetry about love was an important cultural element in ancient Egypt. There are many poetry examples that have received the attention of international poets such as Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound and others who transferred ancient Egyptian love poems to modern European languages. Meanwhile, the Egyptian ministries of education and culture focused more on other eras such as the Mamluk or Fatimid period. 
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Saudi youth get creative on the walls

Saudi youth get creative on the walls

Saudi graffiti artists are transforming blank walls into creative street art across the country. The Saudi Ministry of Culture has launched initiatives and programs to support graffiti work. The Ministry allocated specific locations where "street artists" can express themselves.
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Bahrain to train female firefighters

Bahrain to train female firefighters

The Bahraini Ministry of Interior will train the first patch of female fighters. The ladies will then be incorporated into the country's Civil Defence as fully-fledged firefighters. The Ministry is working to increase the percentage of its female workforce which currently stands at 12.5