
Conflict and Peace

Stories related to violent conflicts, diplomatic tensions, and conflict prevention, mediation and resolution.

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Opinion: Ahead of November, Armenia and Azerbaijan juggle for their geopolitical position

Opinion: Ahead of November, Armenia and Azerbaijan juggle for their geopolitical position

In the lead-up to this year's NATO Summit in Washington D.C., it was uncertain whether Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov would meet. However, a last-minute announcement confirmed that they would, albeit not in a bilateral format, but with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Expectations were low, given disagreements over Azerbaijani demands for Armenia to change its constitution and the United States now apparently pushing its own vision for unblocking trade and communication in the region. Nonetheless, Blinken again emphasised that the two were close to reaching a deal. The foreign ministers issued identical scant three-paragraph statements which at least referred to a “historic agreement.”

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Georgia pushes forward with its “Peaceful Neighbourhood Initiative”

Georgia pushes forward with its “Peaceful Neighbourhood Initiative”

After his visit to Baku at the end of September, Georgian prime minister Irakli Garibashvili this weekend paid a working visit to Armenia for meetings with his Armenian counterpart Nikol Pashinyan. According to the website of the Georgian Government, the initiative was at the centre of the discussions in Yerevan between the two prime ministers. Garibashvili reaffirmed the readiness of Georgia to continue its active facilitation role in order to ensure peace, stability and the gradual transformation of the South Caucasus into a region of new opportunities, development and peace.
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Libya’s elections chief says the country is ready for December poll

Libya’s elections chief says the country is ready for December poll

Imed al-Sayeh, head of Libya’s High National Elections Commission (HNEC), said that the country is “80 or 90 per cent ready” for the presidential, parliamentary elections. In additions, Libya's joint military commission (5+5) announced that it has prepared and approved an action plan to gradually, balanced and simultaneously remove all mercenaries and foreign fighters from the country. 
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UN Envoy in Aden in an attempt to salvage the Riyadh agreement

UN Envoy in Aden in an attempt to salvage the Riyadh agreement

The UN special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, is in Aden where he met with prime minister Maeen Abdulmalik to discuss ways to salvage the Riyadh agreement between the recognised Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC). Grundburg stressed the need to implement the Riyadh agreement noting its economic, social and political benefits. 
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Experts discuss South Caucasus regional co-operation

Experts discuss South Caucasus regional co-operation

A regional seminar with the theme “Regional Co-operation as a step towards peace in the South Caucasus” was held in Kachreti in Eastern Georgia on Friday 1 October 2021. Experts and officials from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan attended the event which was hosted by LINKS Europe and the Levan Mikeladze Diplomatic Training and Research Institute of the Georgian Foreign Ministry.
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Ethiopia expels seven UN officials accusing them of hindering aid

Ethiopia expels seven UN officials accusing them of hindering aid

The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday (30 September) told seven senior UN officials to leave the country within the next 72 hours accusing them of 'meddling in internal affairs. The decision to expel came two days after the UN Humanitarian Chief, Martin Griffiths, warned of a government man-made blockade of aid that would likely lead to a famine.
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Armenian and Azerbaijani experts discuss the role of confidence-building measures in support of lasting peace in the South Caucasus during a workshop in Kachreti, Georgia

Armenian and Azerbaijani experts discuss the role of confidence-building measures in support of lasting peace in the South Caucasus during a workshop in Kachreti, Georgia

The meeting identified several practical ideas for possible confidence-building measures, and agreed to work to further elaborate them. For this purpose three working groups and three contact groups were created.