Editor's choice
4 July: Azerbaijan has complained to the UN General Secretary and Security Council about cease fire violations and the killing of Azerbaijani civilians on the line of contact with Armenia (news.az)
4 July: Azerbaijan has complained to the UN General Secretary and Security Council about cease fire violations and the killing of Azerbaijani civilians on the line of contact with Armenia (news.az)

4 July: Azerbaijan has complained to the UN General Secretary and Security Council about cease fire violations and the killing of Azerbaijani civilians on the line of contact with Armenia (news.az)

The matter was raised in a letter from the Azerbaijani envoy to the world body Aghshin Mehdiyev
Editor's choice
2 July: Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani says that Iran is weary of the deployment of peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh because it does not trust international organisations (Gun.az)
2 July: Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani says that Iran is weary of the deployment of peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh because it does not trust international organisations (Gun.az)

2 July: Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani says that Iran is weary of the deployment of peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh because it does not trust international organisations (Gun.az)

The Speaker is in Baku on an official visit and has met President Aliev and other officials.
Editor's choice
2 July: The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, has said that President Medvedev and the OSCE Minisk Group co-Chair will continue their mediation on the Karabakh issue despite the setback at the Kazan summit (news.am)
2 July: The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, has said that President Medvedev and the OSCE Minisk Group co-Chair will continue their mediation on the Karabakh issue despite the setback at the Kazan summit (news.am)

2 July: The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, has said that President Medvedev and the OSCE Minisk Group co-Chair will continue their mediation on the Karabakh issue despite the setback at the Kazan summit (news.am)

Sargsyan said that he had spoken on the phone to Medvedev and the Russian President had told him that he will be presenting his ideas on future steps to the sides in writing soon.
Editor's choice
2 July: The Armenian Minister of Education says the Education Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey have been invited to Yerevan in the framework of Armenia taking over the rotating chairmanship of the "Bologna Process" (Mediamax)
2 July: The Armenian Minister of Education says the Education Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey have been invited to Yerevan in the framework of Armenia taking over the rotating chairmanship of the "Bologna Process" (Mediamax)

2 July: The Armenian Minister of Education says the Education Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey have been invited to Yerevan in the framework of Armenia taking over the rotating chairmanship of the "Bologna Process" (Mediamax)

Armenia will co-chair the Bologna Process with Poland from July to December 2011.
Editor's choice
1 July: Armenian National Security Council Secretary Artur Baghdasarian said at the end of a Strategic Defence Review that the country "had a system which meets modern requirements and is capable of withstanding all possible threats" (Mediamax)
1 July: Armenian National Security Council Secretary Artur Baghdasarian said at the end of a Strategic Defence Review that the country "had a system which meets modern requirements and is capable of withstanding all possible threats" (Mediamax)

1 July: Armenian National Security Council Secretary Artur Baghdasarian said at the end of a Strategic Defence Review that the country "had a system which meets modern requirements and is capable of withstanding all possible threats" (Mediamax)

Baghdasarian said that external threats mean that Armenia must havew a combat ready army