Spanish PM arrives in Kyiv after confirmation of Leopard deliveries

This week marks the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. will mark this week as one of solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and is running a number of articles and news items related to the conflict and its impact on the rest of Europe and the world.

The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has arrived in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Thursday (23 February), one day before the one year anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The visit from PM Sanchez comes one day after Spain confirmed that it would send six refurbished Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, with the goal to have the tanks in Ukraine by the end of March or early April.

Writing on Twitter, PM Sanchez said, "We will stand by Ukraine and its people until peace returns to Europe."

He has also visited Bucha, the Kyiv suburb infamously known as the site of many alleged Russian war crimes against civilians in the first weeks of the full-scale invasion. "Bucha and Irpin show the wounds and scars of Putin's barbarism. Russia is not going to win this war. All of Spain is with Ukraine," he said.

"International tank coalition"

Fifty-five Ukrainian soldiers are in Spain to receive training on how to operate the Leopard 2 tanks. 

Spain is part of a so-called "international tank coalition" which includes Germany, Poland, Norway, and Canada that has promised to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine. The US and the UK have also pledged tanks.

Biden and Meloni also visit Kyiv

Sanchez's visit is the latest in a number of high-profile visits to Kyiv in the run up to the 24 February. US President Joe Biden made a surprise visit on Monday during which he pledged another $500m of military aid. Then, on Tuesday, the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visited Kyiv for talks with President Zelensky, during which she pledged to continue supporting Ukraine in resisting Russian attacks but ruled out offering fighter jets.

source: with The Kyiv Independent, agencies
photo: Moncloa Palace/ Borja Puig de la Bellacasa/Handout via Reuters with Canva

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