Eastern government recognises Libya's unity government

The eastern-based government of Libya officially recognised the new Government of National Unity (GNU). A delegation of the GNU, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Hussein Al-Gatrani, arrived in Benghazi, and received the office location from the now-former eastern government. The handover processes will occur on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Al-Gatrani affirmed that the state of political division in the country is over and that the Government of National Unity will serve all the Libyans all over the country.

The GNU faces several challenges besides paving a path towards elections. The new government is expected to address the issue of infrastructure, security and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The issue of foreign mercenaries remains contentious. Earlier this week, a batch of foreign mercenaries was flown out of Libya, according to sources at Tripoli’s Mitiga airport. The departure of the mercenaries coincided with the security forces kicking off a plan to secure the capital.  

No official side commented on the withdrawal yet informed sources claim that the pullout “is part of a regional understanding aimed at ending the presence of mercenaries in Libya” as envisaged in the negotiations between Egypt, Turkey, Russia and the United States. 


Source: commonspace.eu with various sources. 
Picture: Libya's eastern government receives members of the newly established Government of National Accord in Benghazi. 


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