18 March: Ukraine is unable to buy Russian gas at current prices, which are “wrong and unfair,” Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said in an interview with a Russian TV channel. (RIA-Novosti)

“I believe we will have the political will and wisdom needed to solve this issue,” Yanukovych said in an interview go to air at 17:00 Moscow time on Sunday on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. “We are unable to pay such unjustified price for the gas.  This is wrong and unfair.”

Ukraine has been seeking a revision in the 2009 gas deal with Russia since last spring. Russia has tied the price for gas to the international spot price for oil, which has been rising strongly recently due to the instability in the Middle East.

According to Naftogaz, Ukraine will pay $417-418 per bcm in 2012.

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