A small but important step. The participation of Azerbaijani MPs at a EURONEST meeting in Armenia is an important contribution to dialogue.

The participation of a four person delegation from the Parliament of Azerbaijan at a meeting of EURONEST in Armenia is an important step in the development of dialogue between the two countries. EURONEST is the parliamentary framework of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership programme and brings together members of the European Parliament representing the 27 member states of the EU together with MPs from partner countries. The meeting in Yerevan was a gathering of the Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society Committee of the Assembly. A full Assembly meeting is scheduled to be held in Baku later this year.

EURONEST is giving a lot of importance in its work to promoting political dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the meeting in Yerevan is a small but important contribution to this process. Press reports in Armenia indicate that there were some sharp exchanges between the Armenian and Azerbaijani delegations at the meeting but that the two sides declared their committment to the process. These meetings are never easy but they must continue.

source: commonspace.eu

photo: The President of Armenia with parliamentarians participating in the meeting of Euronest in Yerevan on 22 February 2012 (picture courtesy of the Press Service of the President of Armenia)

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