
EU plus

Stories in this section cover the EU-27 countries plus the UK, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and the Balkan Countries (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia).

Editor's choice
From Blighty with love – UK charm offensive in Central Asia is well thought through

From Blighty with love – UK charm offensive in Central Asia is well thought through

UK Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, conducted a whirlwind tour of the five Central Asian countries and Mongolia in the last days, visiting countries that had never before been visited by a British Foreign Secretary. There is very little you can do on a trip like this when you are in a country for one day, sometimes for a few hours. But this visit was well prepared and was part of a well-thought-through British strategy to engage with Central Asia.

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Opinion: The visit of US Vice President Pence to Georgia is a game-changer

Opinion: The visit of US Vice President Pence to Georgia is a game-changer

"Pence's visit to Georgia coincided (or more likely was timed to coincide) with the largest military exercises NATO has ever held in Georgia. This, some may claim, was just theatrics. In part this is true, but it is the sort of theatrics that the present Russian leadership understands", writes Dennis Sammut in this op-ed