
The process for criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide is contagious and will shortly cover many other European states, Director of the Moscow Institute for 
Political and Social Studies in the Black Sea and Caspian Region,
said during a Yerevan-Moscow TV bridge on Wednesday Vladimir Zakharov.

"By approving the bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian
Genocide France has put an end to Turkey's denial policy. Now, when
speaking about the Armenian Genocide, the world will keep in mind
that one of the leading European states has criminalized its denial,"
Zakharov said.

He agrees with the opinion that this may cause Turkey's further
estrangement from the EU as this bill reflects the position of the
whole European community. "Turkey had little hope for joining the EU
but now that it has once again fallen short of the European
standards, it has got even fewer chances for EU membership," the
expert said.

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