Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attended Christmas service on Saturday at the Cathedral of the Savior's Transfiguration of all the Guards where he was baptised as a child.
The Russian leader told journalists after the service "It's a special cathedral for me. I was baptised here a few weeks after my birth (October 7, 1952)."
"My mother told me how she and her woman neighbor took me to the church to be baptized. My father was a member of the CPSU. He was a strict and consistent person. They did that secretly so that he doesn't know anything. Anyway, it was considered to be a secret," Putin said.
Putin wished health and happiness to the people of Russia.
source: with Itar-Tass
photo: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at the Christmas Night service at the Cathedral of the Saviour's Transfiguration in Moscow oin the early hours of 7 January 2012 (picture courtesy of Itar-Tass)