Putin says that as a child he was baptised in secret

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attended Christmas service on Saturday at the Cathedral of the Savior's Transfiguration of all the Guards where he was baptised as a child.

The Russian leader told journalists after the service "It's a special cathedral for me. I was baptised here a few weeks after my birth (October 7, 1952)."

"My mother told me how she and her woman neighbor took me to the church to be baptized. My father was a member of the CPSU. He was a strict and consistent person. They did that secretly so that he doesn't know anything. Anyway, it was considered to be a secret," Putin said.

 Putin wished health and happiness to the people of Russia.

source: commonspace.eu with Itar-Tass

photo: Russian Prime Minister  Vladimir Putin at the Christmas Night service at the Cathedral of the Saviour's Transfiguration in Moscow oin the early hours of 7 January 2012 (picture courtesy of Itar-Tass)

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