Azerbaijan uses energy factor to impose pressure upon Turkey, Turkish journalist Ozgun Oscek said over the roundtable "Armenian-Turkish Protocols 2 years later" held in Aghveran town of Armenia, Arminfo correspondent reported.

He also added that Baku imposes pressure every time when Ankara is trying to affect foreign and local policy of Azerbaijan.

"In general, Baku is more free in its actions than Ankara taking into consideration the factor of Russia. In case of necessity any moment Azerbaijan may transfer the vector of its strategical partnership from Turkey to Russia", - he said.

As an example of peculiarity of the Azerbaijani-Turkish relations he pointed at Baku's position regarding the North Cyprus problem - despite Ankara's pressure, Azerbaijan has not recognized independence of North Cyprus, and Baku's arguments still remain not clear for Turkey. Oscer also emphasized that for Turkey and its people Azerbaijan is its part.

"For this reason, one should not wait from Erdogan and his government for demonstration of the political courage in the relations with Armenia", - he concluded. 

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