29 November: An extraordinary session of the South Ossetian Parliament is taking place in the capital Tskhinvali as the territory awaits the result of the presidential elections held on Sunday. Yesterday the highest court in the territory ordered the Cent
28 November: Vladimir Putin accused the West of meddling in Russian politics yesterday, in a carefully choreographed event during which he was officially nominated by his United Russia party to run for a return to the presidency next year (The Independent
27 November: Voters in the self declared Republic of South Ossetia will go to the polls today to vote in the second round of the Presidential election.The second round is contested by Emergency Minister Anatoly Bibilov and former Education Minister Alla D
26 November: The latest model of the legendary Kalashnikov rifle is due to be unveiled in December, with leaked reports in the Russian press suggesting that its key feature will be that all major functions can be performed with one arm.(The Independent)
The much heralded development programme launched by Presidential envoy Alexandr Khloponin seems to be stagnating whilst spending for the military increases.
25 November: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has signed off on a plan to build a $3.6 billion Arctic pipeline to new oil fields that could produce a sizable share of Russia's current output by the end of the decade.(Moscow News)