Editor's choice
17 May: EP President Jerzy Buzek on the Nagorno-Karabkh conflict "I encourage a mutually satisfactory solution which serves the interests of all", (MEDIAMAX)
17 May: EP President Jerzy Buzek on the Nagorno-Karabkh conflict "I encourage a mutually satisfactory solution which serves the interests of all", (MEDIAMAX)

17 May: EP President Jerzy Buzek on the Nagorno-Karabkh conflict "I encourage a mutually satisfactory solution which serves the interests of all", (MEDIAMAX)

European Parliament President gives wide ranging interview to MEDIAMAX ahead of his visit to Armenia
Editor's choice
17 May: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan promises a new constitution for Turkey after the 12 June Parliamentary elections (Hurriyet Daily News)
17 May: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan promises a new constitution for Turkey after the 12 June Parliamentary elections (Hurriyet Daily News)

17 May: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan promises a new constitution for Turkey after the 12 June Parliamentary elections (Hurriyet Daily News)

“We will form the new constitution that all will call their own by listening to everyone who has a say on the issue and receiving the contributions and criticism of all,”
Editor's choice
Serzh Sargsyan:
Serzh Sargsyan:

Serzh Sargsyan:

Russia is a key actor in South Caucasus in security issues
Editor's choice
President of Armenia:
President of Armenia:

President of Armenia:

Azerbaijan understands the meaning of the international law principles in its own way.
Editor's choice
President of Armenia:
President of Armenia:

President of Armenia:

Soviet authorities' decision to transfer Nagorny Karabakh to Azerbaijan led to the collapse of the Soviet Union
Editor's choice
President of Armenia:
President of Armenia:

President of Armenia:

Azerbaijan may unleash new war in Karabakh